The Hunting Party Sleeps in

Sunday morning, Stockholm.


Leica M9 + Leica 35mm Summilux M f1:1.4. ISO160, 1/60 at f1:4.0. PP in LR and Nik ColorFX4.
Thanks both. It was shot at about 08:30 and it had only just become light (while I was having breakfast - I can recommend the buffet at the Radisson Blu Waterfront in Stockholm! :) ). There was only a light breeze but it was -13ºC and thin ice had formed on the water overnight.
I can see the ice, now that you mention it. I'm guessing the breeze was a bit stronger at smokestack height than at ground level. I should have mentioned I like the tones in this image, too.
stunning, loving the anchor pennants on the dockside building
that's lovely, so much detail. I love the snaking fence in the foreground.
The metal curves at the forefront especially when i scroll bottom up to gradually reveal the full photo.
There's something Jules Verne about the capture & processing.

I can recommend the buffet at the Radisson Blu Waterfront in Stockholm! :) ).

A fine reason to visit Stockholm :p
My kinda weather.... And shot!! Beautiful!
Nice treatment.
Pete visited this a number of times now, can't put my finger on my reasons for liking it other than I do, it certainly gives the impression of cold, I am drawn to the icy reflections and to smoke trail, but the darkness in the 'nest' also grabs me.....

Could look at this over and over and not get bored with it....Thumbs up from me...
The smoke is like a freeform brush stoke - whilst the buildings and fence are very precise and man-made

The tone is lovely, and very chilly - you need a hot latte just looking at it
Pete, what a wonderful moment. I think this square crop of a 35 mm lens is more powerful. The fence's start from the left corner with waving movement and ends where the bridge road starts that disappears into the city where you have defining waterfront structures, some appearing to be toy-like, and a church tower with partial transparent structure accepting the industrial pollution(?) of a distant chimney that defines the fate of an urban scape with a backwards moving curved smoke. Like the container(?) angles to the bridge road and to the island(?) section of the city, and the two hook sticks showing in the highlights of the water on the right of the bridge. Finally, the lower fences in almost perfect diagonal start from the right corner and its ending with the anchored ferryboat makes this composition, imho, beautiful. :)