The Kitten and the Coke Bottle

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I should apologise for these, but I haven't had time to go out anywhere for months. This week they sent my husband away to a conference. Yesterday it took me 5 hours to do the zoo in the morning and another 2.5 hours in the evening. I'm hoping he will be home to help me later today.

So there I was... preparing umpteen different types of food this morning, when the kitten started cackling at something in the garden. In the old days I wouldn't have bothered because of the clutter on the surface, especially the bright red of the empty Coke bottle. I'm glad to say you have made me see things differently - so I rushed into the study to grab the camera :)

I'm thinking the cat drinking the Coke is making it twitchy Lesley :D

Lovely light from that window - surprised Pete didn't suggest a 1:1 crop ;)