The Line

Another from Magdeburg Havel.


Leica M9 + 18mm Zeiss Distagon M f1:4.0. ISO 400, 1/250 at f1:8.0. PP in LR / Nik SilverFX Pro 2.
Yes I like the composition a lot, The three things that are immediate are the lamp post track and tree. Make it four, the white building :)
Yes I like the tones also and its always nice to see a railroad track stretch off into the distance. Nice comp Pete.
Like the composition and tones as well. The composition definitely looks as more than guessing through the finder using your 18 mm lens;).
Thanks, Detlef. I am very good a guessing with that lens. I only took one shot and I didn't change the framing but I did correct distortion in PS to get more parallel sleepers etc, which lost a bit from the top and RH side. Here's the original.

The line - raw-1.jpg
Yes, I found the angle distracting and it kept leading my eye to the right. The final result was a compromise between as parallel as possible and keeping the horizon and building horizontal / perpendicular.

What Detlef is referring to is that you can only see about 30% of the view of the lens in the viewfinder and you need to guess the composition. In this case I managed first time! :)
That's 'cos it's one of them crappy Zeiss lenses, Rob.

Funnily enough it did, Paul. Passed straight through me though. How odd. Hmm, thinking about it, how did I get in here, I don't remember opening that door! :eek:

That's a bit uncanny, what you said could have come straight of a book I am reading at the moment.....Have you been in my house again while I'm at work?