The Mermaid Speaks

We do get some strange visitors in the studio...


Hasselblad 503CW + Zeiss 120mm Macro Planar + PhaseOne P20. ISO 50, 1/30s at f1:4.0. PP in CaptureOne Pro (raw conversion), LR5 and Nik ColorFx Pro 4.
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Now, that's an odd one. I like images which ask more questions than they answer, and this one certainly raises the old eyebrow. Her mouth is interesting - open: singing? Intake of breath? Fear? Contrast that with the sparkles of the veil, which does however have a shroud-like quality. Intriguing, Pete!
Baffled zoologists have failed to find an explanation for bizarre behaviour

Uhhh,...what's so baffling? They're protesting against inhumane conditions!

As to the fotie,...definitely posing questions there, Pete! Interesting stuff.
Hmm. I'll have a go...

A veil is worn (voluntarily or otherwise) to hide someone, or for someone to hide behind. But here we see through the veil, to what looks like anguish and trepidation on the face of the woman. The reluctant bride? I also see a possible religious context - the combined fear and desire of the initiate, giving herself to Christ.

Whatever the story, it is an interesting image, which does make you question what is going on. I like these images (the 'Madonna" one included) and can see them developing into a book or exhibition.
I remember the image. I liked it before and still do. Her skin is pale and a touch translucent which works well with the sparkles from the veil. I also like the way you can't see how the veil is attached - it's more like an aura in that respect. The open mouth bothers me a bit, but then I guess that was intended :)
I think this is pretty clever indeed. Having read the posts created a different image for me. I see the mermaid connection through the light, I see a fish swallowing a person or maybe metamorphosing would be more correct,rather than a veil. but in
a lose concept. For me that is enough. Yep very good.