Critique Welcomed The Mods are back....

adrian jordin

Well-Known Member
These were taken at the Bristol Italian AutoMoto Festival, a getting together of the best Italian cars, bikes and scooters....

I don't do a lot of street photography but this group were too good to miss. They were part of the Bristol Mods and were there with their Scooters, (more of which another time).

image2904_002 by jordin57, on Flickr

image2904_003 by jordin57, on Flickr

(You can sing along to the next bit.......:) )

..I've been everywhere, man.....I've been everywhere.....

image2904_001 by jordin57, on Flickr
first a comment on the pictures, A really nice deep and rich B&W and that is something i always appreciate ... now for the subject matter, it's just embarrassing and one of the reasons I gave up the scooter, a lot of my friends are still mods and still have the suits tailored and the parka wearing brigade here are a source of fun lol
Nice shots!

Just asking for a touch of colour popping. I'd have a go at popping the "We are the mods" badge in shot two :)
I did play around with keeping the colour in the badges in the last shot, but wasn't certain it added anything....
Great characters Adrian - well observed and shot

Lovely B&W tones too