The "OOOHHHH, was that you.....

Steve Boykin

Well-Known Member
...yelling my name incessantly like some broken record because I was waaaaaaaaaay down there and kinda busy" look. I mean gee whiz, what could I have been thinking. I was sweating, hungry, the sun was going down, and we had only been out there for a little over two hours. I clearly need a new set of priorities....

+ Mr. "It's Hard to be so Handsome."

All three of these are with the new VSCO. The color ones are Astia 100 and the B/W one is Afga Scala 200.

The last one is the "Oh yeah, we are about to blindly bolt over there. There could be a poisonous snake or something with really sharp claws and teeth. Either way we are about to find out real soon so make sure you know the quickest route to the Emergency Vet" look. This is on the way back. Note how they are now behind me. Funny how that works out. Hmmmmm.......:D


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