The Pacific and Adjacent Theaters in WWII

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
The Dever Post photo blog is turning out to be a real goldmine of historical photographs - here's a fantastic series covering the US action in WWII in the Pacific.

I know there are folks on here who'll love this stuff! ;)




Captured: The Pacific and Adjacent Theaters in WWII | Plog
Thanks for posting these Chris reckon I'm going to have to bookmark the Denver Post, like you say a goldmine :)
No probs. Knew you'd love 'em :)
Thanks for the link!Somewhere I have a US Navy manual for Photographer's Mate. It probably was published in the late '50s, but goes back into the '40s. It is a wonderful intro to film photography, especially using the Kodak Medallist, a truly heavy duty 620 range finder, and the evergreen 4 x 5 Speed Graphic. The post brought to mind a sequence in the manual showing a carrier fighter in a landing sequence (about 4 or 5 shots) going over the side. What is astounding is that the captions maintain that the pix were taken with a Speed Graphic! There is no indication that a roll-film back was used; even with a film pack it would be quite an accomplishment, since the shutter is manually cocked. With film holders ... the shooter must have been in hyperdrive.