The Path to Photographic Enlightenment

Well the entrance to the Academy of Photography in Kraków at least! And just as I took the shot I heard, "Excuse me, could I ask you something please?". When I turned, there was a young lady standing just behind me holding a Fuji X100. "Of course." I replied. She said she had noticed that I was taking pictures with a Leica camera and wondered if they were really worth the money as they were so expensive and she had never seen anyone using one before. She was just curious and we discussed the various merits etc for a short while before she thanked me, said she hoped I enjoyed my time and left. I was rather surprised by the encounter (she was pleasant and genuinely interested) and after she had gone I realised I should have recruited her to RPF! Damn. I should have least asked her if she was studying photography etc. I have to admit though that I have been up since 4 AM and I wasn't completely with-it!

Anyway, this was the image I was taking.

The Path-1.jpg

Leica M10 + Leica 35mm Summilux M f1:1.4. ISO200, 1/60s at f1:4.0. PP in LR / Nik Silver EFEX 2.
Is that her in the shot?

Was she convinced by you arguments in favour of the Leica? Or did you buckle at the knees, saying the Leica can't hold a candle to the Fuji? :D As we all know, the best camera is the one you are holding.

I'm glad the Monochrom and the M-A are stealth Leicas, with no red dot or name on top. The sort of people who would recognise them around here might not be so nice as the girl...

As for the shot, there is just the right amount of detail in the shadows, the comp. is perfect, helped by the leading line of dampness on the ground.
Thanks, Rob, Rhonda and Chris.

She was impressed that one can shoot at such slow shutter speeds and by the stability the mass lends. I think discussing it in English was hard work for her, but I do wish I'd asked her a few more things about her photography.
Like the end scene of a fleeting romance Pete, good balance on highlights. I appreciate getting the encounters of genuine interest in the cameras when I'm out shooting; sounds like you may encounter her again if she's a regular at that location.