The river estuary...

Shaun Haselden

Well-Known Member
My favourite coastline, The Humber Estuary down to The Wash. This shot shows the two old military sea forts guarding the ports much further up the river. The place is also home to the Humber Mouth Yacht Club. A rapidly changing place.


  • The Humber Estuary towards Spurn Point Lincolnshire England from Tetney Marsh.jpg
    The Humber Estuary towards Spurn Point Lincolnshire England from Tetney Marsh.jpg
    341.8 KB · Views: 10
I join Brian in that his comment is pertinent, I certainly endorse it, but what strikes me most about this image is the colour (perhaps pumped up a little by the camera, but not too much) that is so comforting. Looking at the photo I feel virtually transported to that place and immersed in it. It doesn't just give me a feeling of tranquillity (despite in the background there are constructions that were built for war), I feel like I am there.
Thank you so much for your comments. The colour has been tweaked by a Photoshop plugin, Colour Efex Pro that I use on virtually all of my colour work. The place itself is one of those odd places that possess an air of strangeness and calm. It is open and empty, silent and remote, happy and sad. There are few places in the UK where I have been overwhelmed by the 'soul' of a location. Dungeness, Spurn Point and Tetney Marsh in Lincolnshire. I am very sure there must be more I haven't visited but hopefully I'll have the time to do so. One on my list is Orfordness. Maybe one day.