The secret of the kilt...

adrian jordin

Well-Known Member
There seems to have been a rash of photos of fine Scottish fellows in their kilts recently.
Well ,a few years back, some areas of Bristol had the golden opportuntiy to discover what really was under a kilt...

image1006_003 by jordin57, on Flickr

A lot of hot air, apparently.....;)

(An early morning launch from the Balloon Fiesta as it passed over my part of Bristol. This is one of the spcial shape balloons that they come up with every year.)
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Looks like he's marching up over those trees - brilliant!
I have to admit to being lucky with the positioning on this one.
They launch very early in the morning, so having leapt out of bed and grabbed the camera I'm still not entirely with it as far as calm, considered composition is concerned.