OK, I think we need a bit of an explanation about the scene. Is that an old wooden camera the ladies are posing in front of? Love the umbrella. Interesting shot, Brian.
Thanks Rob and Pete. A month or two ago I attended a demonstration of wet plate photography. The hat belongs to the photographer. The lady holding the hat and umbrella is his wife and assistant. She is, like he was, dressed in clothing common to the 1860's. The lady standing under the umbrella (but not holding it) is the curator of Civil War Era Photography exhibit at the Autry Museum in Los Angeles where the demonstration was being held. The photographer had chosen her to be the subject of the single image he was going to make during the demonstration. The photographer's name is Will Dunniway. (http://blog.theautry.org/2015/07/will-dunniway-painter-of-silver-and-light/). He was very interesting. (He has a slight western twang to his gravelly voice,...reminded me of John Wayne--circa True Grit era--when he spoke.)It certainly looks like one. How wonderfully odd. But who's hat?!
Thanks, Brian. The first image isn't visible at the moment though. I'll try again later.
Superb. When people knew how to dress. Waiting for the darkroom shot...
Thanks chaps. Something is wrong with Zenfolio this morning. It suddenly stopped responding. I'm guessing that's why that image won't show up.
...still waiting...
Doubtful that I'd take up this form of photography Ivar. Too much work! (Though the results are fascinating.) I've only been able to interrogate the new son-in-law about the OM10 for a few minutes since he returned. My sense is that he likes the camera, but he clearly hasn't had the time to play with it much. He shot with it on the honeymoon but he shot in program mode only and never fiddled with its GPS or WiFi features. (But he is a real technical young man so these gizmos should appeal.) I'll let you know more once we drag him in front of the Spanish Photographic Inquisition.A wonderful commotion in the first one. There may come a time when Mr. Moore possibly takes up this procedure and gets equipment to facilitate such a trait I think. Must be right up that gentleman's sleeve. Thank you Brian for filling us in on the story which is quite entertaining. Now a sidestep; how did your new son-in-law like and handle the OLY 10? Or isn't he back yet?