Critique Welcomed The White One

Brian Moore

Shot this with the Olympus XA3 and Rite Aid 400 film. I put the camera on a tripod. (First time ever for this camera to my knowledge.) It looked funny this wee thing perched up there on top of that big SILK tripod--like a wee sparrow on a big oak.

that's awesome. that's funny about having the oly on the tripod. the lighting on this one is pretty great. i might have moved a little more to the right to get the straight on profile, but not sure how much space (or background since it looks like there's a wall to the left) you had to work with..
Thanks Beth. Much appreciated. I may actually have a straight on profile of this car. I know I do have one that I took in B&W with the C33. May have one from the Oly also. I may also have one on a roll of B&W I shot with a friend's Plaubel Makina but I haven't developed those ones yet. Anyway, thanks again, Beth.
Well worth the effort Brian - very crisp final shot, and that lighting would have cost a fortune to replicate in a studio!
So where was it then?
I joined our company's photography club. They worked out a deal with our company photo studio and a local tuning company who brought these two S2000s in (on black one white) for us to get some practice shooting. (Mibey you didnae see my earlier posts of the black cor some days ago with explanation?) Anyway, thanks again, Chris!
Nicely done again Brian - shame about the fire extinguisher! ;)

I bet those toting DSLRs were dead jealous!

Cheeky bugger! (lol :D) Yeah Pete,...the fire extinguisher and also a couple of tiny white specks that I need to get rid of too.

As for all the DSLRs, initially the presence of my brick-like C33 had their mouths gaping in awe. Then, when the wee sparrow perched itself atop the massive oak and pretended to be a camera they were all like "What The Heck...?"(<--Expression cleansed. :))

Thanks Pete!