The Yashy Family

Dave Green

Well-Known Member
I hadn't bought a new camera for a couple of days so couldn't resist this little cutie in a charity shop for £9 :)

This is the Yashica Mimy. Circa 1964. It's a 35mm Half-frame.

No light seals but I can sort that. Otherwise all looks in order :)


With the Yashica Electro and Minister for scale.

Had a go with the Mimy yesterday. It's a dull day camera - and yesterday wasn't!

The big limitation is the shutter speed - it's fixed I think - and about 1/60" I read somewhere. So in bright sunlight you soon hit F22 with 200 film! I shot about 30 of the 48 on the 24 exp film so will hopefully finish it today or tomorrow.