Theme: Competition - Sub £10 Camera

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
The idea is to submit a best shot from a single roll of film from a camera costing under £10 (about 16 USD or 12 Euros, I guess.)

No digital processing. Just shoot, develop, scan and post.

To enter you must join the blog (follow this link to sign up) and write a post about the camera you have bought. How much you got it for, a picture of it, where you got it from, any passing thoughts on it.

You then need to add your favourite photo to the showcase gallery here

You can post as many to the forum as you like, but the one you post in the showcase will be the one that gets voted on at the beginning of december

Time limit: so we don't lose interest, I suggest a few weeks max. Let's agree 28th November. Remember, remember, the Friday 28th of November!

Prize: Hamish said something about £500, or something like that. Possibly nothing. (<--- I didn't say that :))


I immediately ran to ebay and grabbed myself an Olympus XA3 for £9.99. But if you have a camera that fits the bill already, that will do nicely.

I just put a film in mine - Reala 100. We shall see what comes of it.

One more thing, I feel it should be new shots, not old ones - otherwise Brian will upload his entire Flickr collection :D

Who's in?
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I'm off to a bad start. I noticed the number count dial wasn't advancing. Now, either this was because the film wasn't advancing, or the number dial was broken. I either get excited about 36 shots, only to find out at the end that none of them had been recorded, or I cut my losses now and expose the film.

I opened it up - the film HAD advanced quite properly, but I'd ruined it. The number counter is broken. I can live with that, and now I know.
Thanks Rob!
Yeah, even better would be to buy a new (old) camera like last time we did this ... You can get a lot of camera for £10.
I just bought the camera I'm going to use. An Olympus AF-10 super ... £1
I'm off to a bad start. I noticed the number count dial wasn't advancing. Now, either this was because the film wasn't advancing, or the number dial was broken. I either get excited about 36 shots, only to find out at the end that none of them had been recorded, or I cut my losses now and expose the film.

I opened it up - the film HAD advanced quite properly, but I'd ruined it. The number counter is broken. I can live with that, and now I know.
I will create a showcase gallery for this tomorrow, anyone wanting to take part, let me know and I'll give you a login for the blog
I'm off to a bad start. I noticed the number count dial wasn't advancing. Now, either this was because the film wasn't advancing, or the number dial was broken.
Are you referring to your new-old XA3, Rob? The XA3 is, as you know, a manual wind/rewind camera. If the rewind crank turns when you wind the film onto the next frame, you know the film is advancing.
Rob, ive just edited your OP ... hope you dont mind.
All the pieces of the puzzle are in place... we just need people to take part now! :)
Do I need to get a new old sub-10 pound camera or can I use an old old sub 10 pound camera whose offspring have never been featured on RPF before? I don't mind either way, I'm just exploring my options.