Critique Welcomed They Might Be Giants

Not to put to finer point on it....

That is pretty funky, Brian. How long was the exposure, did they have to stand there a long time?
Thanks, Paul. I took this shot a while back. I would normally have given a 10 second exposure, but because this was 800 ASA film I probably shortened it to 5 or 6 seconds. But even if that was my intent the actual may have varied a wee but since I don't use a watch to time shots I just count off what seem like seconds in my head. So,...roughly,...5 or 6 seconds. Thanks again, Paul.
nice perspective!

Love the cross processed look on the expired film as well

Interesting reflections? How did that light bar come to be on the frame Brian - any ideas?

Were you using 'lying on my back' - pod?
nice perspective!

Love the cross processed look on the expired film as well

Interesting reflections? How did that light bar come to be on the frame Brian - any ideas?

Were you using 'lying on my back' - pod?
lol. Don't know why that light bar happened, Chris. And no, I wasn't using the lyingonmybackpod. I was using the good old doonoanwankneewi'thecameraoanthepavementpod.