I do like your multiple personality shots Grez. I've done a couple in the past and have often thought about giving it another go but haven't got around to it. This might just put me in the mood for another go at it.
Thanks Chris. It's a bit fiddly, but using the Scissors tool on GIMP (Linux user, me!), you cut all round the headstock, and I tend to feather the edges a little, too, then simply overlay the left picture onto the right.
The hardest part of this is the sofa, obviously because the cushions move and change colour from when you're not sitting on them to when you are, so you need to be careful with edges, patterns, stripes and shadows. I really enjoyed getting back to doing this and just love the picture quality of the new camera. I was teaching myself to use the self-timer coupled with different methods of focusing the shot and the flippy-out screen which is brilliant for composing these. Much better than doing it blind in the old days.
We ought to use these as a spot the difference competition.
Nice one! I've loved twelvies since I was a kid (which is why I've got three!), and go for it! The thing that puts me off a double necked guitar is the hernia that goes with it!
Nice one! I've loved twelvies since I was a kid (which is why I've got three!), and go for it! The thing that puts me off a double necked guitar is the hernia that goes with it!
I am actually a metal guy which mainly using drop B and use drop C# and drop 1 step on bass strings only depending on the songs, so a double neck / 12 strings ain't useful for me at all, but I REALLY IN LOVE with the double neck telecaster custom by John 5