Darren Turner

Christmas eve I was sat having a coffee when I heard an alarm blaring from the o2 shop in the city centre.
I rushed around the corner to see what was going on and spotted these guys were on top of another one in a bit of a scuffle.
From what I can make out a guy had tried to run out of side emergency exit from the o2 shop with sommat or other and these security or undercover police caught and apprehended him.
The guy on the ground was not handcuffed.
This idiot in blue body warmer was shouting at me and many others who had mobiles phones out NO PHOTO’s or I will get you nicked…………….!!
I know my rights, stood my ground and carried on taking photos as you do knowing there was nothing that could be done about it. I was a good 20 0r 30 meters away so was not getting in the way, I was using a small 250mm lens.
This guy had a big attitude problem, however I wasn’t bothered I got my shots, I was just glad that the thief had been apprehended.