Critique Welcomed Things To Do While Waiting To Cross The Street: 1

Brian Moore

1: Give another lady a hug.

At the corner of Pacific Coast Highway and Main Street in Huntington Beach, California.

Holga 120N with expired Kodak E100G slide film that got exposed to sunshine when the camera fell to the pavement with a clatter and the back popped off.

It's great, isn't it? Such a beautiful shot. The kind of shot you just might get once you stop trying to control everything. Btw, I love the triangle of shadows.
Proves you can do what you like with the brilliant Holga and still get great results.
I love the sultry, mid day sun feel to this. Initially I thought it was yourself there in that nice postcard shirt until I remembered that you took the photograph;). The lady in black seems to be taking advantage of the light change to light up a fag. The burnout of light produced gives the whole shebang a sort of 'something weird about to happen' atmosphere.

Most enjoyable Brian.
Proves you can do what you like with the brilliant Holga and still get great results.
I love the sultry, mid day sun feel to this. Initially I thought it was yourself there in that nice postcard shirt until I remembered that you took the photograph;). The lady in black seems to be taking advantage of the light change to light up a fag. The burnout of light produced gives the whole shebang a sort of 'something weird about to happen' atmosphere.

Most enjoyable Brian.
Thank you, Tom.

"The lady in black seems to be taking advantage of the light change to light up a fag." That's what it looks like to me, too, although I rather doubt it since smoking in public isn't all that common any more in Southern California. (It certainly exists, but whereas in previous decades it was very common, today it isn't. Perhaps @Chris Dodkin--who lives a hundred miles or so south of me--would agree?)
Simply wonderful Brian. And what I like most is the way the man with the postcard shirt seems to be contemplating giving the man with two heads and a bicycle a hug too. What would have happened and the light no changed?!
There's no telling what might have happened had the light not changed. It is California, after all.

Thanks, Pete. Much appreciated.