Critique Welcomed Lady in a Bicycle Rikshaw

Brian Moore

At the intersection of Main Street and Pacific Coast Highway in Huntington Beach a couple of years ago.

Holga 120N with expired Kodak Ektachrome 100 cross-processed in C41 developer.

Are both ladies called Sandy?

I like it's somewhat overblown bits, giving an interesting feel to the whole thing. The cyclist looks young.

Very funny! There's clearly an apostrophe there indicating that the rikshaw belongs to only one of them. Therefore 1 Sandy only. Obviously! :confused:

I would guess the lad is about 16. He does look younger, though.
I'm not convinced there's an apostrophe there, but I'll overlook it in the spirit of solving mankind's problems! Let peace reign forth...
I'm not convinced there's an apostrophe there, but I'll overlook it in the spirit of solving mankind's problems! Let peace reign forth...
It's as plain as the nose on your face...o_O
I'll overlook it in the spirit of solving mankind's problems! Let peace reign forth...
A magnanimous and fair-minded response given the controversy. :)
I've missed all the fun it seems. Anyway, what strikes me is that the lad on the front seems to be having a better time that those the back. I like it though and, as Rob says, the overblown bits add hugely to the overall image.
He does look like he's having fun doesn't he? Thanks Pete. Much appreciated.