Think Me Strange If You Will...

Brian Moore

...but as I looked at this picture the word "There..." popped to mind, quickly followed by " your enemy! There are your guns!" Recognize the quote anyone?

Huntington Beach Pier a few moments before the girl on the bike rode into my next frame.

Oly XA and expired Ilford HP5. Processed in Rodinal.

I love the captured moment, and the poses of the two main subjects

Don't recognize the quote...
Dam Brian, I nearly had to dive into my history books then for a moment. That phrase was scratching the back of my brain like a cat filing it's claws!!
Great shot there Brian... Not exactly the battle of Balaclava there though is it?! :)
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I just looked it up on google ... Assuming you would know the quote from a film
Thats usually how these things get lodged in our heads

The front cover of the film looks like this

Which kicked my brain in to touch as I remember it from somewhere when I was young and realise it must be the reason I took this photo:


We have all spoken about this before ... But isnt it funny how little things influence you without you realising ...

Anyway, yes, the chap has a suitable look of bemusement and the arm a suitable level of sincerity ... I like it Brian ... And thanks for sending me on a little synaptic journey :)
He's not even wearing a cardigan!!

I like the shot very much, probably for similar reasons to Hamish. But I must say, I'm not sure such a quote would have leapt to my mind. Maybe something related to heavy artillery had seeded your mind shortly before this!! ;)
Thanks everyone. Dan and Pete take the prize.

Pete: No cardigan and no balaclava either. Yet she has donned some Mexican serape style of thing that seems to approximate a raglan sleeve.

About the quote: These are the words uttered in haste and out of exasperation by Captain Nolan, who had just delivered an unclear written order to Lord Cardigan, commander of The Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava. The rest is history.