third party retouch solutions?

Peter Blake

Well-Known Member
I am talking about third parties usually in another country. apparently one sends ones files to them and they retouch as necessary and return them. I am not that busy at the moment that I need to use them but things are looking up.....

it just seems to me a good way of nicking a decent photographer's images. or am I being too harsh and cynical?

I have been approached by someone purporting to be based in Korea, one in India, one I think in the Middle East somewhere. the reason that none of these cold callers are based in the US or Europe? cost of living there?

I dunno
I had a similar approach and assumed it was at the very least dodgy
Wouldn't touch them myself ... It takes a bit to much of the quality control out of your hands I think.
and if your that busy, just charge more money and employ a local ... That way you can work more closly with someone and benefit the local economy
That sounds like good advice to me. There are, of course, some highly reputable re-touchers and finishers that people use (there are some based in London). You will pay a real premium for them and I suspect they are used when the job is complex or demands a certain look in the same way that certain printers were, and still are, used. But for day-to-day editing I would keep it local and Hamish's suggestion makes more sense to me.