"This is so demeaning...

Steve Boykin

Well-Known Member
..Stupid Snow Man collar. Yeah, I look like a real stone cold killer wearing this thing."

Stanley has been my constant companion for almost 12 years. He's the best friend I've ever had. I really don't know what I will do without him. Anyway, I took these pictures today with the Fuji 18mm.
So, he's your best friend and you bought him that! Is this some sort of test?! ;)

Well, he passed with flying colours so now go and get the one with the 4 in spikes! :)

LMAO!!!! Well if he hadn't lost the red one with the bone prints, he wouldn't be wearing the one my mom got him.....:D
Love the shots Steve. Huge lab fan here. Lost a 13 year old a couple of years ago...still miss her. With the exception of her being stone deaf...which most people have no idea about..our 14 year old yellow is still going. Can't even think about what's going to happen soon.
Love the shots Steve. Huge lab fan here. Lost a 13 year old a couple of years ago...still miss her. With the exception of her being stone deaf...which most people have no idea about..our 14 year old yellow is still going. Can't even think about what's going to happen soon.

Good to hear from a Bostonian. I lived there for quite a while (the Fens at Westland and Hemenway). I really miss it. Stanley is in very good health for his age. Still, I get very sad when I think of what my life will be like without him. I love that dog in a way that would be impossible for me describe.