Three from a stroll

I didn't even notice the people on the bench in that first photo until I saw the larger size. My favorite of the three is the middle one. That photo has atmosphere - a word that has been mentioned on here the last few days. It works very well in color and would probably work equally well as a b&w. Good job, Rob.
Cheers, John. The middle one is my favourite of the three as well. It came out just as I hoped it would. Atmosphere isn't as easy to get with digital shots as with film, at least in my experience.
Finally he saw the real light and what quattros are assigned for. Painting with light in a colourful world. "Going blind my butt." By jolly he's got it!:D Which one, yes difinitely the :oops: last one!
I'm with Ivar in this one! The last is the best for me, I absolutely love it.

In the first, the concrete thingy in the left is a bit of a distraction for me, although I like the photo. Please see it in larger format, the colours are very good.

The second. For me there is too much distraction in the upper half in the background, left and right. My eyes won't rest, the oak stem is too less prominent to catch them, I guess. I don't say it's a bad photo, but these are just my thoughts, and the reasons why I like the last one better.

The last: great composition, with a nice diagonal from left-low to right-high, a river with curves, and beautiful colours and textures. What's not to like?
Well, I start with Sigma Photo Pro (SPP), which, although slow, is quite powerful when you learn how to use it wisely. I usually do a little work in there, then export the image as a TIFF for opening in Lightroom. Sometimes I don't do anything in SPP, just export the tiff to LR.