Critique Welcomed Time at the pier

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Took a quick trip to Ocenaside Pier this evening, as the marine layer rolled in and covered the setting sun.

Shot with the X-Pro1, 35mm Lens, and a B+W 10 Stop ND Filter - f/16 ISO200


PP in Nik Silver FX Pro
Nice! I like the fuzzy people at the water's edge and also the sky. Its like a dusk shot, but the surfers give it away. Oh wait, it IS a dusk shot. Nevertheless, really fine image, Chris.
Thanks Brian - yes a dusk shot with extra ND-ness for longer exposures

I have shots without people, but really liked the context they gave the location, and the movement to suggest the passage of time.
Like that Chris. Makes us Brits feel bit more welcoming with all these black moody clouds for a change :D I agree with Brian the OF pair at waters edge just make the picture.

so you had the welding glass on the front then is that what your saying :D:D:D
Absolutely love this, has a very ghostly feel to it. Very nice indeed.
Lovely image. I love the light & mood in this capture. The movement in the people in the foreground just adds to the effect. Wonderful image.

How long was the exposure with the 10 stopper?
Thanks everyone :)

Yep Allan, the welding glass got slapped on the camera, and even an additional ND grad for some shots as well!

Alfie, the above shot was around 6 seconds I think - as the light dimmed I was getting up to 25 sec exposures before I packed up.

Here's a later, longer exposure, with the ND grad in place over the 10 Stop ND

Really like the B&W and agree with the folks above that the
people on the beach take the image to the next level. Almost
an other world feeling. I can never seem to achieve it but I'm
a great fan of simplicity in B&W. Was wondering what you would
think about possibly cloning out the surfers ?
Really like the B&W and agree with the folks above that the
people on the beach take the image to the next level. Almost
an other world feeling. I can never seem to achieve it but I'm
a great fan of simplicity in B&W. Was wondering what you would
think about possibly cloning out the surfers ?

I would agree about cloning the surfers out of the color version, Ron, since they are so vague in that image as to look like artifacts left in by mistake. On the BW version though I think the surfers add a lot of interest to the image. Personal opinion, of course.
I keep coming back to this one, so only fair to comment. I love both, but the black and white version does it for me, complete with ALL the fuzzy people. Can I ask about Silver Efex please? I've used it for the past nine months or so, but I've never come across simulations. Admittedly I don't tend to use the presets - are simulations the same thing?