Critique Required Time...

Dougie, I love the picture, but feel the sun ruins it somewhat by being far too distracting. The rest is very beautiful, especially the sky. I'd contemplate cropping out the sun.
Yes I also agree. All we need to see here is the effect of the sun rather than the sun itself. And the effect here is really beautiful; Gods lighting engineer on good form.
You're right Tom...and when I stopped the car, the sun hadn't shown itself, but by the time I was set up, POW...there it was...

...oh well...:rolleyes:

And I think a hood is in order for this 28mm about flare....!!!!!
I'm with Rob and Tom on this, Dougie. Also, sometimes a sun flare looks gimicky, too. (Not saying you were being gimicky,...just that some sun flares look that way.) The rest of the picture has beautiful colors.
Yep, was a "grab" shot on the way to work and I was running a bitty late so didn't have the time to re-do...

note to self: leave for work earlier, just in case...:)