Critique Welcomed To The Mountains

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
East of San Diego - heading up into the local mountains


X-Pro1 and 35mm Lens
You don't have barbed wire in the US, Beth? Plus a sweeping condemnation of the roads in the entire South America. LOL. You sound like a North American ;)
when you have a road called the death and major truck routes that aren't paved that gives off certain impressions about the roadway conditions. i'm sure the roads are fine in urban areas, but the majority of south america isn't urbanized.

actually, it was more the combination of the low lying mountains (the nearest of which are 3 states and 4 hours away from my house), and scrub (which we don't have in the eastern us), and the barbed wire (which we use around prisons and military bases and none of which is on the ground) that made me think of photos i've seen of south america. it doesn't look much like the urban, over-developed california i've visited.
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Beth called it - it's a military base off to the left of the road - Camp Pendleton Marine base, covering some 125,000 acres from the coast to the mountains.
Are you having issues with the raw processing foliage? The composition is great as are the colors.

Lots of barbed wire here in Texas.
Steve - not seen an issue, but I don't shoot a huge amount of foliage shots

Most of what I've seen online is people not understanding how to PP the RAW files, and thinking that looking at images at 100% magnification is 'normal' - i.e. pixel peeping

Very happy with the IQ I've had - and I note that Beth has been experimenting with getting even more detail our of her RAW files using different PP techniques.

Posted this image on DPReview as a test - in the Fuji forum - and had people tell me it showed an issue with the X-Pro1 RAW files and foliage.


Only thing was... the shot was from my 5DII - I just 'forgot' to mention that. :D

Nuff said!

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Did you paint that area green? Interesting barbed wire too.

Rob - I think the green patch is probably an avocado grove - nicely lit of course! :)
Posted this image on DPReview as a test - in the Fuji forum - and had people tell me it showed an issue with the X-Pro1 RAW files and foliage.

i think the drugs addled some of those dpreview forum member's brains a long time ago. or maybe they drank too much of the bailey's in those dpreview studio test shots.

after playing with a lot of software and techniques i've realized that you can't come close to the color depth that you get in lightroom when you use those techniques. i bought the x-pro 1 for the colors and sharpness and rather have the colors and some minor smudgies than neither.

i've only had one series of photos come out really smudgy, but the jpgs were a little out of focus too (voigtlander adapter screws were loose). i have yet to see smudgies at all on my x-e1 raw files, but that doesn't really mean anything.
Steve - not seen an issue, but I don't shoot a huge amount of foliage shots

Most of what I've seen online is people not understanding how to PP the RAW files, and thinking that looking at images at 100% magnification is 'normal' - i.e. pixel peeping

Very happy with the IQ I've had - and I note that Beth has been experimenting with getting even more detail our of her RAW files using different PP techniques.

Posted this image on DPReview as a test - in the Fuji forum - and had people tell me it showed an issue with the X-Pro1 RAW files and foliage.


Only thing was... the shot was from my 5DII - I just 'forgot' to mention that. :D

Nuff said!

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Rob - I think the green patch is probably an avocado grove - nicely lit of course! :)

Love it Chris, I love it, so called experts picking a shot to bits & not knowing a dam thing realy, love it.Just enjoy the photography & get on with it, well done again Chris for taking the mickey out of them.
Barbed wire adds just that off kilter element which i like so much.

As for IQ of XTrans, to me it looks like it could be a Foveon without Foveon's drawbacks.
Thanks Chris!!!!!!!!! I'm laughing pretty hard right now.

Pete- Avocado colored appliances and burgundy leisure suits are coming back in style. Just wait and see.

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Amhed- Here in Texas we say "Bob wire." It's considered a decorative element. ;)
on second glance of the 5d mk ii photo, i do notice some odd painterly effects going on in the trees, especially the ones on that guy is pointing at with the stick... maybe that's what they were referring to?