Tom Got Me In The Mood Again...

Brian Moore

...this time to shoot with my Holga Wide Angle pinhole, with which one can get 6 shots on a roll of 120. First, though, here are a few I took a while back. I exposed all of the following images for about 10-12 seconds.

#1: Redondo Beach, California. Looking south toward the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Fuji Acros 100.


#2: Redondo Beach, California. Looking north toward the pier. Fuji Acros 100.


#3: Huntington Beach, California. Looking north. Ilford Delta 100.


#4. Huntington Beach, California. My hoose and my dug, Sadie. Ilford Delta 100.

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Thanks Tom. The Holga Wide Angle Pinhole camera does not have a viewfinder. However, it's got some sight lined molded into the top of the camera, as well as a spirit level. But you're basically just aiming and estimating what will be in your picture. Side-to-side its a little easier to estimate what you'll have in the frame--the sight lines help with that. But up and down is a bit harder. In #3 above, for example, I would have preferred to include less foreground so that I could have got the tops of the palm trees in. Anyway, thanks again, Tom.
Any chance you could post a pic of the lens Brian? I think these are brilliant.
Sure Tom,...I could take a fotie of the front and back of the camera (with camera back removed) tonight when I get home, but keep in mind that all that's there is a tiny wee hole. That's the "lens."