I do. I think overall I'm impressed with the lens.
By the way, I made the mistake of getting the roll developed at Jessops, and they handed me prints that were VERY pink and grey. I complained, and they suggested I come back the next day (yesterday) for a fresh set. I returned, only to find that they hadn't printed them, arguing that as the negatives were pink the result would be the same. The manager said this "often happens with old cameras". Bollocks, says I, and we start arguing back and forth. Eventually she offers 5% discount on my NEXT roll, at which point I said they would never see any more rolls from me, and left. But that only leaves Boots for a quick turnaround. Normally I don't use XP2, and get my films developed by Ilford, but that can be expensive. Luckily I don't shoot film all the time.