Critique Welcomed Towers of Mammon

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Sorry I've been a bit quiet these last few weeks - moving house has consumed all of my spare time, and a whole bunch of not-spare time!!

Finally managed to break out from beneath piles of boxes today, and head into downtown LA for a meeting.

Weather was fantastic, with lovely early light and some nice fluffy clouds.

Here are a few from my walkabout:


Concrete Jungle


Sky Scraper


Towers of Mammon


Palm Up


Metro Transit


Inner City Oasis


Big City

All shots X-Pro1 and 18mm lens with CPL
I like mono but that bright blue sky one really JUMPS out! Good stuff.
I don't get much time to come on here either recently been travelling too much for work. I'm trying to work consistently on photographs but it just doesn't happen. You really have some interesting architecture and places out there Chris. I like looking at your images they are so different from the places I get see.
awesome set Chris love them big mirrored glass towers against that awesome blue sky, so have you moved along way from your old place, is it close to LA now then ?
Thanks everyone

All moved in Pete - this has been my world for the last few weeks!


Maybe the tower of boxes influenced my choice of subject for yesterdays shoot! ;)

We only moved 5 miles Darren - so still about 90 miles South of LA. I had to head up there yesterday for a meeting, so went early to avoid traffic, and give myself some shooting time :)
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