Trees - Konica Hexar AF

Oh by the way, I do very much like the above mentioned images (you know,...the ones regarding which I was insulted despite being an innocent bystander!:mad:). Although I like all of them very much indeed, it is the final one that strikes my fancy deeply. (OK, I will admit that I harbor deep resentment over the abuse that I have been subjected to in this post, but these are bonnie foties, and I am willing to forgive. Er,...maybe.;))
Lovely set! The only "constructive criticism" comment I'd make is on the second image where I find that little bunch of branches on the top right corner a bit distracting :)
The rest I absolutely love!
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Thanks, Asun, including the constructive criticism. Of course, I did debate with myself whether to take them out, and I probably should have...
Well, my reasoning was that the main, big tree was shirking back from something, and maybe the branches creeping in from the top right could be that something. So, there was a mini drama playing out in my mind. But my wife does regularly remind me that I DON'T HAVE TO say out loud everything I'm thinking!