Amazing clouds and wonderful landscape - but do they belong together, Julian? You say stitched - so they were two separate images? Both beautiful, but I'm not 100% convinced they match. Sorry!
Yes all the same ground and sky. When stitched it is simply four images taken in portrait orientation and I quickly take four shots, immediately after each other and join them. same as some cameras do a pano automatically, I do it the hard way
All it enables is to achieve a much higher resolution image from a sensor. The sky was a lee ND grad with a bit of dodge and burn. some dodge and burn in the trees as well.

O well need to try again sometime. I cannot understand though what suspect means ? as if Ive done something wrong.
I like the tones and colours here a lot Julian. I would probably reduce the exposure and saturation towards the horizon though to give that a bit more balance with the sky and foreground. I suspect that is what Lee is referring to and is disturbing Rob.

Hope you don't mind, but maybe something like this?

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