
Nice tryptich, Rob. Prefer the look of 1 and 2 but can decide which of those I like best. The lighting is very nice on both.
INCREDIBLE!! Number two is the bomb!!!
Great PP! And lovely DOF. :)
Well, thank you, gentlemen. Process? What's that?! Ummm...I took a photie....ummm....opened it in Photoshop and brought up the Levels tab, and messed around until it looked interesting....then added a frame....ummm....and that was that. I like the first one best of all.

This photography lark is fun :)
I like all of these, and experimenting like this is a great way to find new looks that you can try out on other subjects.

Its also an excelent way to learn the capablities and limitations of your software/camera/film/etc...
I like the first one. Theres something about it I find appealing

Loving the first two Rob - bang-on the money for composition, depth of field, post processing - the whole shooting match :)