Paul Taylor
Well-Known Member
Mine just arrived yesterday, threw it on the ol' Minolta x700 w/ M42 adapter. I am the only person I have seen so far on the interwebz actually using it on a film camera. I also picked up their 100mm F2.8 which is a Trioplan copy. Since I don't have a M42 native camera in the collection - I bought a Voigtlander VSLM1 TM off E-bay and that should arrive this coming week. Threw a roll of Ilford Delta 100 (I was out of HP5 surprisingly in 35mm, had to order more) in the Minolta and we will see how these lenses work.
I will say the 75mm f1.5 is a chonkster. Heavy and smooth. Same with the 50mm f0.95 I have from them as well. They do make a nice lens - especially given the price. I think it is cool they are remaking these heralded vintage lenses so they are more accessible to those of us who don't want to spend 3k+ dollars on an original.

I will say the 75mm f1.5 is a chonkster. Heavy and smooth. Same with the 50mm f0.95 I have from them as well. They do make a nice lens - especially given the price. I think it is cool they are remaking these heralded vintage lenses so they are more accessible to those of us who don't want to spend 3k+ dollars on an original.