Tunnel Vision

they are trying to stop me......BUT THEY CANT......MMWWAAHHAA
Loe the 3D tunnel effect of the fire, and the real tunnel reflecting the light back - very cool execution and location
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I missed this one Darren!
Can't believe I did as well.... Please give me some more!!! :)

Is it only me who gets excited over light painting?! Lol
hahaha no Dan i have got the same bug now, i really love it..........and need advice on best tools for job........ie torches & stuff......i seen yours on flickr but were do i buy & what are they called lol
Oooohh, where do I start?!? Make? Buy?
Maplin is a good place to mooch around, eBay is also a good friend.
ELwire (electro luminescent wire), gels, LED torches, CREE torches (bright!), coloured torches, key ring torches, or anything that lights! I thought that I had a bit of kit untill I went out to the Clee Hills Tuesday night.
There were a total of 5 of us, and there must if been a shopping trolleys worth FULL of light painting materials, masks, and costumes. The gang I went with were serious painters of the night!

Keep an eye out on RPF tonight, Andy is going to post some truly masterful work. :)
Brilliant.......off to take a look cheers...........!!

just ordered a super bright cree head lamp, mate has one and its like a car head light on his head, truly amazing torch.........so that helps with being able to see where i am going in local forests :-)

sound like you had a truly amazing eve

Ah yes, Cree is bloody fantastic, especially if you get 150 lumens + it's a real noticeable benefit. Once gone Cree, always will Cree, I say :)

It was a fantastic evening Darren, still trying to get used to the Nikon. Lol
Its arrived...........!!


this is a 1800Lm CREE T6 LED and WOW is it bright, is a head torch light but can be used as a bike head light to.

you defo are have got to grips with the Nikon DD :-) Awesome aint they .........!!
