Uhhh,...Which Way To The Ocean,...?

Excellent. I love the way you have him static in the centre of the banner. Is the competition to try and make a sentence out of those 5 random words?! ;)

lol. No, Pete, it's actually a big surfing competition, but it would appear that their writers could use some help.

As to the fellow,...well I was just wanting to get a fotie of the pier with all the people teeming out of it. So I took up my place and aimed my camera and this fellow just walked up and stood in front of me for the longest time. Until I scanned the image I thought he was standing in front of me to deliberately sabotage my shot. And I thought, "Cool!" Photographer's revenge--snap a fotie of the offender! However, you can see by his eyes in the fotie that he looks a bit er,...glaikit,...as they say in Scotland. Meaning he's looking a bit slow-witted.

Thanks, Pete!
Those three at the front really make quite a team. Poor things.

Nothing in the world could entice me into the sea. Talk about alien worlds. We left it for a good reason...
Is he trying to work out where he's going to riot later Brian? ;)
Is he trying to work out where he's going to riot later Brian? ;)


This young feller looked too simple (and sober) to be a rioter, Chris. However, there were quite a few people who'd clearly had a snootfull and the fact that violence erupted was surprising and yet not, somehow.

I heard later that one of the people arrested for rioting was an off-duty Fullerton fireman.

Late Sunday afternoon--about 5pm, so a couple of hours before the riot--I myself witnessed a few uncomfortable things on Main Street.

Saw a drunken homeless woman assault a couple of young guys--they were having her on right enough, but she was three sheets to the wind also. It was pretty nasty.

Saw some guy going ballistic into the face of an evangelist. Now, I'm no holy roller, and I'm not a big fan of evangelism in general, but I don't mind them saying their beliefs if they do so peacefully. I certainly don't think this reaction I saw was appropriate. It, too, was nasty.

Saw a lot of people who'd had too much to drink.

Overall, there was just an atmosphere of negative energy in downtown HB last Sunday in the late afternoon.