Uncooperative Toddler

Brian Moore

Spotted this little scene while walking Sadie last week. The mum was trying to get her toddler to pose. That child had other ideas, however.

Took this with my SuperHeadz Blue Ribbon toy camera and Arista Premium 400 film. It was late afternoon. The Blue Ribbon needs a lot of light.

I processed this for one hour in Rodinal, 1:100, using a "semi-stand" technique.

Very interesting image, not only from the composition of the image but also the stand process used as well, apparently the stand process only really works on lower ISO films, but its nice to see that it works fine at that dilution with a higher speed ISO 400 film - gives me hope! Also an interesting camera to shoot on, ive never really been a fan of toy cameras like the Holga, but it seems that the blue ribbon camera's lens is pretty good :)
Where did you get that idea?

It was just something I picked up when looking into the stand process, it might just be the fact they were using lower ISO films and no-one had tried higher ISO films with that treatment.
Well spotted Brian - luckily the long-haired attractive young lady didn't obscure any of the key subjects in the shot! ;)

Good timing by the photographer I reckon
Well spotted Brian - luckily the long-haired attractive young lady didn't obscure any of the key subjects in the shot! ;)

Good timing by the photographer I reckon

Why thank you, Chris. It was delicate timing, Chris,...waiting for that young lady to get out of the frame so that I could snap a fotie of my intended subject. But the young lady was strolling along so languorously that I couldn't wait. Thankfully she got out of the way just enough. Thanks again, Chris.
Great juxtaposition of characters etc Brian. And I like the murkiness that this camera seems to bring to the scenes.

Thanks a lot, Pete. I shot a lot of 800 ASA film in this camera when I was on holiday in Aug and many of them turned out a wee bit too bright for my liking. It likes a lot of light, this camera, but not, it seems, with the higher speed film. Thanks again, Pete!