Not sure if i should jump into this or not. I don't know exactly how easy it is to get firearms in the US but i know it's different from one state to the next with California having the biggest restrictions from what i've seen on a gun forum i'm on. Over here in NZ you have to have a get a firearms license and to get it you have to do a firearms safety course, then they interview the people you put down as a referee. That gets you a category A license which lets you own bolt actions, pump action, semi auto (not military style), there are other classes of license if you want pistols or full auto restricted weapons, and a special class for military style semi auto's such as AR-15's. It's even harder in Australia, i have a bolt action Mauser actioned rifle and a ruger 10/22 semi auto .22, both have silencers on, but in Australia silencers are illegal, and can't have a semi auto .22 without another class of license. I think they need to be harder to get but i don't think military style firearms should be banned completely. People have been killing each other long before guns were invented, it's human nature unfortunately. If all the guns were gone it wouldn't have taken away what ever triggered the shooting spree, it wouldn't have taken away what ever's wired wrong in his head, your just changing the weapon used. If he didn't have guns he might've run the kids down with a car when school was out. Gun's don't kill people, People kill people. These school shootings are a terrible thing and as much as i like guns there is no justification for any of them. But not to belittle them in any way but if there was this much reaction and outcry when when someone died from alcohol related incidents they would've banned it long ago. How many people are killed by drunk drivers or drunken violence etc? There are hundreds of thousands of law abiding gun owners who don't want to be penalized because of the actions of a handful. Maybe people with family members who have known mental issues shouldn't be allowed firearms? Can't say that though, can't single out the mentally challenged. I just don't know how much difference gun restriction are really gonna make.