Pete Askew
A sort of sequence of shots that recall the experience of using the Vaporetti in Venice. I also have some video and sound recording that I intend to use in a short slide show at some point.
A herd of Vaporetti at rest!
A Vaporetto zooming along the stretch between Dosudoru and Giudecca.
A Vaporetto stop (S. Elena).
Heading back to the main island.
And, after changing at Zaccaria, it was up the Grand Canal towards Ponte Accademica.
Waiting for the stop to clear
First those wishing to get off clear the boat and then new passengers jump aboard and then the Vaporetto is off again. You certainly need your balance!
Then moving further on towards the other bridge on the Grand Canal; Ponte Rialto.
And yet another queue (these things have horns just like a bus and driver made ample use of it to make sure she kept to her schedule!).
End of the line and time to get off.
And within minutes the next one is ready.
A mix of shots from a Leica M9 + Zeiss 18mm and the Sony RX100. PP in LR and Nik ColorFX.
A herd of Vaporetti at rest!

A Vaporetto zooming along the stretch between Dosudoru and Giudecca.

A Vaporetto stop (S. Elena).

Heading back to the main island.

And, after changing at Zaccaria, it was up the Grand Canal towards Ponte Accademica.

Waiting for the stop to clear

First those wishing to get off clear the boat and then new passengers jump aboard and then the Vaporetto is off again. You certainly need your balance!

Then moving further on towards the other bridge on the Grand Canal; Ponte Rialto.

And yet another queue (these things have horns just like a bus and driver made ample use of it to make sure she kept to her schedule!).

End of the line and time to get off.

And within minutes the next one is ready.

A mix of shots from a Leica M9 + Zeiss 18mm and the Sony RX100. PP in LR and Nik ColorFX.