I like that Rob ...
There are legs for an advancement on it I reckon (ymmv) ...
what about setting a similar thing up with the camera on a tripod. Get her to stay still for the first then do the same as you have done with more and more movement. Then back to still again.
with the surroundings still and the fading between the bluryness of just her head I think it would look even more interesting!
I'm currently half way through a fascinating history of the Tower of London and so a video on losing one's head had a peculiarly tantalizing draw for me. Realistically, however, I knew there was going to be some photographic artifice involved and that I wouldn't see an actual decapitation. (I'd never have watched otherwise.) I was a little surprised, though, that Poodle-head has apparently survived unscathed.
Nice work, Rob. I love the dreamy, slow nature of the presentation and the music suits it just right I think.