Critique Welcomed Watching the World

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent

DFW Airport

X-Pro1 and 27mm Lens at F/2.8
I like this one a lot. A perfect capture of "people watching" in an airport Chris. Can't tell you how many times that was my working days of course.
Brilliantly doen Chris and I like the reference of the poster opposite. :)

Thanks Pete - it was the poster that got me looking for the shot initially, then I saw the seated man, then as I was framing him up I saw the lady in red approaching the field of view.

Snap! :)

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I like this one a lot. A perfect capture of "people watching" in an airport Chris. Can't tell you how many times that was my working days of course.

It's me too Glenn - not much better to do when there's good people watching to be had :)