Watchpoint Revised

Paul Lange

This is a shot I put up a while ago but wasn't happy with the PP so I revisited it. Quite like it but not sure if the boat is a distracting or interesting so thought I would put it out.

I like the new PP Paul. I don't think the boat is distracting per se, I think it is that the visual flow is a little disrupted. For me, the eye is lead from bottom left up the hitch towards the tyre and from there to the chair but then could kind of drift to the boat and through the arch to the scene beyond. I suspect the natural balance point is are the buildings etc on the other shore. Maybe burning them in a touch and boosting their structure a touch will help draw the eye from the boat. Or possibly even cropping the upper part out to give a frame ending above the tyre at a similar distance to the gap below it. What do you think?
Yeah, the compo is a little odd somehow ...
I think what is actually missing is a person in the chair ...
Perhaps as Pete says darkening the buildings ... And maybe the lower left hand corner a bot to focus the attention through the arch and on to the chair .... ?
Cheers, Now that you say it I think the buildings and the issue. They are quite a bit overexposed so will take quite a bit of work. Also agree that the concrete lentel across the top has to go as well, it spoils the frame. I spent so long deliberating over the boat I lost focus a little.
I've had a play around with the crop and burned in the buildings but still not sure. Comp is stronger now but I think really I need to re-shoot it if I can find a similar place that works with what I had in mind when I shot this. Shame I really like some elements of this one.

I dont mind at all Pete, in fact appreciate it. I'm not sure about losing the top of the building as it made a nice natural frame however your black border compansates and I think I actually prefer loosing a square crop on this one. Looking at it more and more I focus less on the chair and foreground and realise that I dont really like the overexposed buildings in th ebackground. They keep trying to wrestle their way to the front of the image when they should be receeding as in keeping with the image. Stick your finger over them and especially on your crop the image begins to gel (apart from the finger that is). Might try to get rid of them but it will be fairly difficult to clone them out.
What about what paete has done with a bit more height... Maybe a 8x10 crop ...
I think Petes nailed the exposure, though Paul, the balance is better ...
I think this sort of process is useful... It's one of the things that makes forums a good way to learn ... It might be a "flogging a dead horse" but it might also impact on how you see or choose to see framing in the future ...

And anyway, I think you have found the ideal outcome for this image now ...
I think it's fairly decent now ... Would have been a real winner with an occupant in the chair I think!
A ha, maybe I'm getting there! I find that I like some shots even though they are less than optimal. I haven't worked out yet with 100% success if its because there is something worth working on or if I have some kind of sentimental attachment to it that I really need to loose.