What's Real

It's an odd one, Julian, a kind of composite of different images. Lots of things you just don't expect - the painter-decorator type walking away from camera, the black car just seems to have gatecrashed the picture... Oh...it's a painting! Doh, I didn't see that at first. Including the woman atthe top. This picture just gets weirder and weirder :D I like it!
Ha Yes Rob weird is what it is. thanks Paul, Dave you are correct. I do believe it was a fish and chip cafe', It may still be for all I know.
little too much hdr effect, the people by the building look painted on. the made me look, re-look and look again. so whether it works or not it definitely grabs and holds my attention.

Beth It it is a straight Raw to Jpeg conversion, yes the people are painted on.

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I don't see an HDR effect, Julian, but then I perceived it as wall art straight away. Its a nice capture, Julian.

Thanks Brian.

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Deceivingly beautiful, Julian. :)

thanks Nihat
Beth It it is a straight Raw to Jpeg conversion, yes the people are painted on.

i'm on a laptop with a widescreen so the only the top half of the first photo in any post is viewable without scrolling. so my first thought of this was you hdr'd it and finally figured out what was going on in the photo when i scrolled down. it was a slightly sarcastic comment, guess i forgot the smiley afterwards. ;)
I have stared for a while...and want to continue. So...you can put me on the list of those who really like this one. Great capture.
that car is incredibly lifelike - doesn't looks painted at all, looks real!