
Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I had a bad day at work yesterday and it seems to have done something to my day off. I found these old wheelbarrows in a dark corner at Heligan. It was starting to rain, but two German couples were deep in conversation right where I wanted to stand. I thought I must have looked very silly waiting by the wall and indeed, I did wonder myself why I was bothering. I nearly didn't process the image at all.

I haven't used any HDR processing, or indeed, nothing that strong. Only darken/lighten, which turned out to be darken and not so darken, a light touch of tonal contrast and good old glamour glow, but only in certain areas. I'm rather surprised at the result...

Nice one, Lesley. Partial to a bit of GG myself, occasional TC, even a little TLC, but a lot can be achieved with simply darkening. Good shot.
Cheers Rob! That's the trouble with cameras. You can have a really dark and moody scene in front of you. You press the shutter button and what do you get? Average grey! I know the RAW file doesn't look as it really was. You have to remember what it looked like (and what it felt like, but I'm still getting to grips with this bit) :)