Where has the world gone?

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
I tried some experimental stuff earlier involving my ND filter.

f/22, ND filter, 8secs shutter.

Very surreal. Makes me interested to experiment further with this ND.


Thanks for looking :)
DD I love this sort of thang it is just so unreal great stuff do more...........I should get my nd8 out, why the hell does it stay in the frigging bag ?? when this is the result..........
wow that is clever idea never thought of that before, i see how it works, but to those not in the know you could have some fun withat............ it looks so weird though the emptiness.

Great work

Thanks guys!
I used my ND 2- 400 on this shot, it was quite a bright day today so I'm suprised I got the shot I was hoping for.
Its the best filter I've got.... just as an experiment...... I pointed the camera (f/22, ISO 100) directly to the sun on the darkest density the filter will go.... and it still gave me 2.5secs!! I was chuffed with that!

I want to try one on the high street, but I fear that there's gonna be too many people sat down...... It's going to be a challenge.... but I'm going to give it a go!! :)
high Street will be a bit of a problem DD the Big I sellers don't move and the Sign up here Brigade don't either, add to that the Bible bashers and you have a street full of carnage..........now there's a prospect.:D
'tis a challenge. might see what I can do sometime. :)
Post apocalyptic motorway - brilliant!

I think a street scene shot from a higher viewpoint with this technique could be way cool