Why and Where to post photos on the New RPF

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
After some discussion between myself and Pete this morning we have come to a conclusion about the new "Photo Showcase" section

As follows is my suggestion on why and where to post photos from now on in:

The open forum:

This is the place to photos for discussion, interaction etc. It is where photos should be posted as part of triptychs, sets, etc, where context with other images is required.

The "Photography Showcase"

This is the place to post you favorite images, where comments are still available but not as big a part of the point of posting. These are the photos that best represent you/your style etc. Your Showcase images.

The forum will continue to run as it has been, this is just a new feature to help show off the best of the best work of members here!

These images will eventually be used to make up a highly graphic home page for the website so if you can upload them 1000px minimum that would be great!

You don't have to use the showcase, but I would love it if you did! For me it adds so much extra functionality to the website and as time goes on it will gain more and more features!

It is also a great place to add your picture if you want to be able to easily share them on social media etc

I hope this makes sense?

Although if you do that it might be an idea to put a link or comment in the showcase directing people to comment in the forum.
This is perhaps the least elegant element of all of this, but as the add-on is developed further I anticipate a better solution being implemented
Showcase for images we want to show off

Forum for images we want to discuss

With overlap between them possible

Not sure if "show off" is a term we'd all be happy with. The thing is, many of us already have a website for that purpose. It seems to me that what you are hoping to create, Hamish, is a kind of "Best Of The Forum" collection, which will help the site look good, and is something we can all take some degree of pride in. Each member will have a tab visible to all, where we can view that one person's images. I think that's all fine.

I'd like to give this site a big thumbs up. Yes, we are having teething problems, and like the first day in the Big School, we are all a bit lost. But I'm sure the site will take shape soon, and we'll soon settle into a routine.

Regarding the Showcase - as mentioned before, the image does not display as well as the same image in the Forum. Hamish suggests we can click on the Showcase image, and a larger version appears. That works. But my own view is that the Forum display still works better, and if there is any way the software can be tweaked to replicate that, the better. But maybe it can't...

Thanks to Hamish for the work he is doing!
I have worked on the display of the image in the showcase section a bit. I bigger boarder and larger images ... what don't you like about it?

"Best Of The Forum" collection, which will help the site look good, and is something we can all take some degree of pride in. Each member will have a tab visible to all, where we can view that one person's images

yeah, I like that!
Defo a simple black border fro me just enough to pick it out of the clean white BG of the forum
it should be fine now Glenn, It might be that the original image you uploaded was 2962 px x 2952 px. It was the being resized by the forum then upsized by some dodgy coding from me. It got rid of my dodgy coding ... :)
it should be fine now Glenn, It might be that the original image you uploaded was 2962 px x 2952 px. It was the being resized by the forum then upsized by some dodgy coding from me. It got rid of my dodgy coding ... :)
Knowing how much size matterso_O...What is the proffered size? Less than 2mb...???? px? What keeps the forum from resizing?
I'm really trying with this - I even checked it out on my new smart phone last night and it does look good on that, but... try as I might, I can't see the image if I click on it in the showcase from my work PC. That is, I can see the square versions, I click on one, it takes ages apparently loading, but no image appears. There is just a red cross with a grey frame. There is still a download button on that page too. ****** javascript error every other time I try and post too :(
I'm coming late to the party. I was away on the weekend and when I returned Tuesday discovered that the old forum gave me a 404 error. Finally decided to shorten the bookmark I was using and, wow, found the new site.

Only looked at a few posts so far but I really like the layout and design. Each part of a post is nice an crisp and easily identified. My only grip is that I'm a New Member now. :(

I like the idea of a place to showcase our work. A place for what each of us thinks is our best photographs. I'll be posting a few there soon. One more thing I notice is that the new RPF seems to handle inputs from mobile devices better.

Thanks Hamish for all the work on this.