X100S unusable at F2.0

Steve Boykin

Well-Known Member
at less than 5 feet according to several people who post on DPR...... F2.0 and about 3 feet because we were on a very narrow ledge with no room. Friday afternoon at 4-ish. ISO 200 can't remember the shutter speed.
DRP is basically full of trolls - sorry, but that's the way I see it

Many people who are there to trash products they will never even use/own

The X100S is looking like a stunner
I don't agree. Clearly these photos are all out of focus, harsh, discoloured. Throw it in the bin, Steve, or, better still, send it to me. I'll know what to do with it!
DPR can be hugely entertaining. That's about it.

Very pleaseing portraits Steve. Character shots.

Paul's right. I need a brick wall. I've been making photographs and deciding whether or not they move me. Waste of time. I'm off to check eBay for brick walls.
DPR = Digital Photography Review. I think it's the oldest and largest on-line forum for digital photography. But it's not well moderated and there are many trolls there. And the discussion threads just go on and on (and on and on and on...) without ever saying much that's useful or informative.
Those are the worst photographs I have ever seen in my entire life!

I'll post the above testimonial on DPR shortly.

Bonny foties of the Twa Dogs, Steve. (Lousy camera or not!;)) Love the oof.
They are frustrated, weak, little people who have a hard time getting anyone's attention in real life. So they enjoy the attention and the sense of power they get from hijacking conversations online.
Yeah but the real test is a photo of a brick wall. Apparently every serious photographer should own one.

You know when I loaded up the dogs last night I kept thinking I was missing something. Darn if I didn't leave the brick wall and balls of yarn at home....