XP2 Film

Stan Hesketh

Well-Known Member
Hope I have put this in the right section..

I note that XP2 mono film is still available, but haven't used it in years. It appeals to me since my darkroom went some years ago, and I understand XP2 is still C41 process? I would love to try some in my Canon.
I would welcome any comments, advice etc.
Many Thanks.
Hamish has been using it lately, I think, Stan. I think it's good stuff, and I think Hamish thinks so, too. That's what I think.

Kodak makes a B&W C41 film, too. That's good stuff as well.
Its brought me a huge amount of joy recently ... Have a look at my flickr account and look at the black and white photos taken with the yashica t5 and Nikon af600.
ive just been looking at some shots from my Ricoh which I will also upload soon!
Nice contrast and fine grain.

I love the stuff, great results straight from max speilman! (Yes, it's c41)
My advice - buy some!

Just bought some kodak 100cn today Brian :)
Excellent, Hamish. I'll be interested in your opinions of the Ilford v the Kodak.

Me,...tomorrow I shoot (probably Acros 100 which I will process in coffee) with my new toy: Mamiya C33.:cool:
To the shops, AWAY!
I tried some last year - came out very nice - a little more grainy than my usual PanF, but can't beat the ease of getting it processed. These are both Canon EOS 1n and 50mm f/1.2


XP1 and XP2 were my go-to B&W films until I shot a record album cover—ordered in B&W—but then wanted in colour. I managed to sell the creative director on a hand-coloured version, so was able to pay my rent for several months. None the less, I found it much easier to print B&W from colour than to colour B&W.
XP1 and XP2 were my go-to B&W films until I shot a record album cover—ordered in B&W—but then wanted in colour. I managed to sell the creative director on a hand-coloured version, so was able to pay my rent for several months. None the less, I found it much easier to print B&W from colour than to colour B&W.
I think you told that story in its unabridged form last year or the year before, Larry, and I was mightily impressed with your resourcefulness. A true lesson on being prepared.