XP2 Query

Stan Hesketh

Well-Known Member
My roll of XP2 arrived today so i have been dusting the Yashica CC down and taking a few shots.
I set it to 400 ASA but noted it can be rated at 200 or even slower. Does this require compensation during processing? I don't quite understand how this works.
Many thanks.
Stan,...I haven't shot much XP2. But Ilford's site says it has an "extremely wide exposure latitude." You can shoot at 200 ISO and get it processed normally. (Also, because its C41--and you can get it processed at Boots or wherever else still does fiilm--I'm guessing that Ilford wouldn't expect you to ask the person at the chemist's photo counter to have your film "pulled" or "pushed" in development.)

After I wrote the above, I went deeper into Ilford's website. (The spec sheet for the film, to be precise.) They say you can shoot this film from ISO 50 up to 800 and process normally. See the spec sheet in the link below.
