Critique Welcomed Yabp 2

Thanks, Pete. I think I may be getting the hang of this landscape stuff - wide angle lens, f/8, look for cool light, interesting skies and bang away. Throw in a little CEFP and bob's your uncle, as the Brits say ;)
Thanks, Rob. I thought that was a special little bit of ying/yang there with the contrail and grass.
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Thanks, Lesley. And you'll be happy to know my wife called me today (I'm up in Hilton Head visiting my folks without her) and informed me have a new kitten she fell in love with. She was at an event with GRRMF and a cat rescue was also there and the foster said she was good with dogs, so I have a new daughter when I get home next week :eek:
Good stuff. I would have probably walked passed this writing it off as not interesting enough to photograph. Wouldn't I have been wrong.

LOL - we all pass up things due to either being in a hurry or just blind to a particular opportunity. I think we would all like to pass up fewer great photographs.

In my case, the combination of the grass and weathered erosion fence was the trigger - I thought it was a great bit of foreground, so I walked around looking for the rest of the photograph. I was on the beach because of the sky to begin with, so putting the composition together was a fairly short putt.
Wow, what a sky!

As Lesley mentioned, the color palette is really nice - very marine like, if that makes sense?
Thanks all.

Beth - the visit with my folks has been fine and managed to get a few decent shots while I was here. Thanks for asking.