Yes,...I Walk on Water :-)

Brian Moore

I shot this at the Huntington Beach Public Library with my Oly XA and Kodak Portra 400 film.

I never had any doubts! ;)

That is a wonderful composition Brian. I love the way that the reflection is more 'distinct' than the statue. And the reflection of the picture on the left. I also like the juxtaposition of the rectangular guide book with the circle on your tee-shirt. Fabulous.
Two abstract images going on here for me and split by the frame in the middle.
The left hand frame on its own looks like an abstract collage. The right hand frame if cropped tightly underneath the statues feet again looks like an abstract collage.

I like it for many reasons Brian but if I were to pick out two it would be that it takes some time in digital editing to muster such an abstract collage and the fact you used film, let alone come up with the concept.

I'm sure if you separated these images and put them on opposite walls it'd take a long time for someone to make the connection if at all.

Image of the day for me. Or is that images!
I never had any doubts! ;)

That is a wonderful composition Brian. I love the way that the reflection is more 'distinct' than the statue. And the reflection of the picture on the left. I also like the juxtaposition of the rectangular guide book with the circle on your tee-shirt. Fabulous.
Thanks very much, Pete. (And I didn't even get my feet wet, either!;)) All the glass and rectangles and light make shooting at my local library a pleasure. I think I've taken more shots there than any other single place. (Thank you Mr. Neutra.) I just this morning recalled what that book was I had under my arm. The library sells used books that people donate and I always have a peek for photography books. That day I found a book with pictures of American Indians by Edward S. Curtis. That's what that was. Thanks again, Pete.
Two abstract images going on here for me and split by the frame in the middle.
The left hand frame on its own looks like an abstract collage. The right hand frame if cropped tightly underneath the statues feet again looks like an abstract collage.

I like it for many reasons Brian but if I were to pick out two it would be that it takes some time in digital editing to muster such an abstract collage and the fact you used film, let alone come up with the concept.

I'm sure if you separated these images and put them on opposite walls it'd take a long time for someone to make the connection if at all.

Image of the day for me. Or is that images!
Thanks a lot, Gavin. I never thought about the collage effect going on, nor the two frames. But I certainly see what you mean now. "Image of the day?" High praise indeed, given all the wonderful photography getting uploaded to RPF these days. Thanks again, Gavin!
So pleased to see you had a hat on Brian - they are de rigueur these days you know!

Great idea for a self portrait - we should have a self-portrait theme one month, and get all creative.
So pleased to see you had a hat on Brian - they are de rigueur these days you know!

Great idea for a self portrait - we should have a self-portrait theme one month, and get all creative.
Thanks, Chris, but clearly I need to get one of those photographer hats like you and the Legoland official photographer have.;)
I blame Jim - he started the whole photographers hat thing :D